Thursday 3 December 2009

Try before you buy!

So, in april of this year i went skiing to canada with the fam. It was wooonnnderful!

whilst i was there i came upon a little arts studio, so on a blizzardy day when the runs were closed I decided, as a treat i would paint my very own teapot...
here it is...

and i do love it.. but i have got just one slight doesnt pour. I literally havent been able to pour it without spillage even once... oh the disappointment.. so currently it lies demoted.. in the shadows of a much more precise breed
try before you buy! - moto for the day!

isn't she pretty!

Life is boring without photos.. so i thought i'd share with you my motivation to work hard!
one day, one day!!.....


So, 4th year of degree, exams are approaching, final year, big stress, courseworked up to my eyeballs.....

and i still have no idea

1) why the hell i'm studying economics ?
2) what even is economics ?

seriously though ... all these sciene, engineering, english, art degrees, they teach you skills or you discover new things... economics.. im really not sure what the hell im learning. definitely nothing relevant to the real world thats for sure.

what is the point, i ask, of studying theories of how firms set wages, or how economies develop or how resources are allocated efficiently within society if, at the end of the day "in the real world it doesn't happen like that"

Well i'm sorry but id rather live in the "real world" and not worry about such irrelevant crap.

"money" doesnt even exist for gods thats a statement.

rant over... back to my black and white, Times New Roman, font sized 12, 2500 worded, justified margined, black and white boring arse of an essay.

count down until this no longer rules my life